Our platform for bloggers and companies is the optimal forum for an effective and appealing exchange among all those interested in good products and ideas concerning food, lifestyle or travel. Whether at events or trips abroad, through individual collaborations or our own Blogger-Cafés by Seidl. Ever-changing editions offer an attractive range of topics for all participants and the ideal setting for networking.

From this blogger community, we develop individual campaigns and exclusive cooperations for you - depending on the task and objective, depending on the industry and product.


Our regular events with influencers ensure good contacts and shared experiences. This is an ideal basis for developing and implementing campaigns or collaborations with the right brand ambassadors.

Above all, product recommendations or presentations by influencers with an affinity for the target group remain in the memory of their readership. We find the right ambassadors for your product.

Competitions or prize draws on blogs are an attractive form of cooperation that additionally increases the involvement of followers and thus your target group with the desired products or topics.

We regularly organize trips for influencers with a wide reach. We give them the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of companies and businesses and get to know products, people and places.

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